Integrated non-profit law & tax exempt services
Whether you are seeking advice on
charitable organizations, trade associations, educational organizations, social welfare organizations, family and corporate foundations
public charities, private foundations, supporting organizations, charitable trusts, endowment trusts
taxable nonprofit organizations or other non-profit organizations
our team can guide you step by step.
We help clients manage
Private inurement, private benefit, excess benefit transactions and other tax compliance issue
Transactions between the non-profit organization and its founders, donors, board members, officers and employees
Charitable giving and endowment policies
Acquisitions, mergers and reorganizations
Corporate governance, conflicts of interest, appropriate organizational structures
State non-profit laws and filing requirements
Qualification for tax exempt status and filing the Application for Recognition of Exemption of Tax Exempt Status with the IRS
Unrelated business income issues
A wide level of experience and diverse perspectives
Nelson Mullins’ non-profit attorneys include former special assistant in the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Tax attorneys with LLM degrees in tax law
Attorney team includes former certified public accountants
Attorney team experience includes counsel to trade associations, university and college counsel, school district counsel
Our clients span industry sectors
Public Housing and other public initiatives
Trade Associations
Healthcare Industry
Educational Organizations
Governmental and quasi-governmental organizations
Make careful, timely, and informed decisions
Address the myriad of issues that confront the non-profit organization from organization, operation, consolidation and dissolution while simultaneously managing the tax exempt or taxable aspects of the organization. Our team works side-by-side with our non-profit clients, developing an understanding of their business objectives and helping to achieve tax objectives.
Our non-profit organization services help you to
Receive advice on the state and federal implication of commercial transactions
Maintain tax exempt status
Track, analyze, and understand state and federal laws applicable to your non-profit status and your tax exempt status
Establish necessary policies and procedures
Address and document governance decisions and responsibilities
Respond to inquiries or audits by the IRS
Create compliant joint ventures, mergers, and other strategic applications